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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Theora vs H.264

The debate between whether the open source Ogg Theora is better than the propriatary H.264 format has been around for ages. In this post I will give my view on which one of the two I believe is better.

Firstly the Ogg Theora format. Ogg Theora has been around since 2002 and has come a long way. Beta versions of Opera, Firefox and Chrome all support it natively when embedded with the video tag. It is by far the best format for low bitrate videos and is open source, meanign that you can modify it and make it better if you want.

Next, H.264. H.264 is one of the most widely used formats for video with site like Youtube and Revver using it. It is very good for high bitrate videos and crap for low bitrate videos. With such wide use of this format, you would think that it would be very good but from my personal isn't.

My personal opinion of this format war of sorts is that I prefer Theora over H.264 mainly because of it's clear picture and good sound. However, if I wanted to look at a higher bitrate video I would still go with H.264. To show my support for the Ogg Theora format I will be posting all videos on this blog in the Ogg Theora format...more work for me but oh well.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

IE Unbundled!

This week saw a huge milestone for toppling the monopoly that Microsoft has held in eth browsers wars with all copies of Windows 7 sold in the European Union having Internet Explorer unbundled. How the user will end up getting a browser is anyone's guess as Microsoft has not said anything about this. Most sources are expecting an internet browser chooser that will install the internet browser of the uers choice and that OEMs will go instinctivly with IE8.

I really don't see how this will solve any problems as if OEMs will go with IE8 and considering the typical end user can't install an operating system...we will all just end up where we started, with a Microsoft monopoly.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

11m Safari Download in 3 many want to use it?

Apple today sent a press release out saying that in the three days since Safari 4 launched 11 Million people have downloaded it including 6 Million on Windows. These figures really tell us nothing...people using Macs have Safari pre-installed and set as their default browser so a simple update by these people is all that is required for Apple to claim that they have 'downloaded it'. Also regarding the 6 million Windows many of them downloaded this by choice? As far as I can see Apple still has the checkbox checked for downloadign Safari when users update iTunes or Quicktime so many of these people may have been tricked into downloadign it, increasing the download count significantly. This is utter stupidity and madness on Apple's part as they are cheatign the system by tricking users into downloading software they don't want. Maybe if apple left out these people who are downloading through the Apple Updater and through updates to Safari on Mac we might see a more accurate number of downloads.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Usernames on facebook...finally

Tomorrow Facebook finally will allow users to have usernames instead of the id system that they currently use. Under the old system the profile URLs were Now users will have the option of changing it too

It has taken Facebook 3 years to implement this and I say that it is about time. Other social networking sites have had this option for a while and it has worked. Why Facebook took so long to get this feature no one knows but it is an excellent addition and will make the best social networking service even better.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New we expected

As everyone thought Apple has released a new iPhone, the iPhone 3G S at WWDC 2009. This new iPhone sports video recording, voice control, a faster processor (hence the S in the name which stands for speed) and even a magnetic compass. Most of this was leaked several times all over the internet and we have had knowledge of this for at least a month.

The new iPhone does look like a very good device but the novelty is really starting to wear off. Every year a new iPhone is released with some new, rarely used feature that people will think is useful but then they will end up not using it.

Apple should slow down their release schedule for the iPhone and release one every 1.5 - 2 years. Maybe if they went back to MacWorld they could release it there instead of at WWDC. That would allow people not to feel saturated by new iPhones every year.

I am, however waiting for the iPhone that has an inbuilt cup-holder and can control your household appliances...maybe next year when the next iPhone is released.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Office 2010 Web...maybe not.

Today I emailed Microsoft regarding Office 2010 Web, I was emailing regarding whether it would have any integration with Google Docs or OpenOffice. Instead of a yes/no reply I recieved this:

"I am afraid that we have yet to receive any updates regarding Microsoft Office 2010 Web. At the present moment, we are unable to confirm the future of Microsoft Office 2010 Web."

If I am reading this right, Office 2010 Web might not actually happen...shame because it would have been an alright competitor to Google Docs.

E3 2009 - Recap - Nintendo

Nintendo has been renowned for being very stingy with their E3 Press Conferences with not much being announced since the  Wii in 2006. This year, however they did showcase a lopt of good new titles, clearly aimed for a more hardcore audience.

They showed off a new Metroid Game, Metroid: Other M, which looks really, really great. It looks like a prequel but Nintendo is very tight-lipped about anythign to do with the games plot. Oh and id I mention that it is being created byu Team Ninja? Yes...Team Ninja, the people responsible for teh Ninja Gaiden deries on teh Playstation. They also showed New Super MArio Brothers Wii, a 4 player game which is basically like the other Supoer Mario Brothers Games...only Co-Op. Finally, they showed Super Mario Galaxy 2...a bigger, better Super Mario designed for Core Players.

Overall, it was a less dissapointing press conference from Nintendo and below is the 2-part video.

E3 2009 - Recap - Sony

Sony showcased their new PSP Go which i sa smaller version of the PSP, most likely designed to go after the Nintendo DS. It seems like a great device but the fact that is clearly just another attempt by Sony to regain lost ground in the gaming market sort of makes it lose it's touch as a good idea.

Like Microsoft, Sony showed off Final Fantasy XIII but they also showed Final Fantasy XIV Online, for the Playstation 3 and Microsoft Windows. This looks like a good game and will certainly mean more of that much needed money for Sony. They also showed Uncharted 2 and more of Gran Turismo 5 (which is taking forever!) as well as God of War 3. All these games look top quality and Playstation gamers are going to love them when they come out.

Finally Sony showcased their Motion Controller. It is basically liek teh Wii controller only it has a better handle of a 3D space. It looks like a good idea with graphics overlay but the motion required at this early stage appears to be a little extreme. Hopefully this will be ironed out before release

It seems that everyone is getting into the motion sensor businesss...but the Wii got there first! Below is the 3-part clip of the Sony Press Conference:

E3 2009 - Recap - Microsoft

E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, in 2009 was one of the biggest since they stopped opening it up to the public.  Assassin's Creed 2, Final Fantasy 14 Online, Project Natal...the list goes on and on.

E3 in 2007 and 2008 were big failures with people not even notricing that they were comign up. Game Coverage was weak and money was being lost. Companies pulled out in 2008 and when the news came that they were going to make E3 2009 bigger people started caring again.

This week I am going to go through each press conference of E3 2009, with videos and trailers, and tell you my view on what I think.

Let's start from the beginning with Microsoft....

The main thing that came out of Microsfot was Project Natal, a whole body motion detector. It was only shown at E3 and as far as I am aware no games are being created for it by 3rd parties at the moment. It will be interestign to see where this goes as it opens up a whole world of possibilities for motion detection and simulation. I do see this, however, going the way of teh Wii, with lots of fitness games. I also excpect the price for this to by at least $250 (AUD). 

IN terms of games, Rock Band: Beatles was shown which doesn't really surprise had to happen.  Modern Warfare was shown and a November 10 release date was announced. Great news for Call of Duty fans but the whole "modern" thing...go back to the wars that HAVE HAPPENED.
Final Fantasy XIII was shown and all i can say is that it looks amazing.
Below is the full press conference in 3 parts:

Friday, June 5, 2009

Everyone's Monopilising!

Microsoft...Accused of Monopolizing in the EU
Google...Being investigated for monopolizing
Intel...Charged with Monopolizing in the EU

What are the similarities (apart from the monopoly bit)...THEY ALL HAVE COMPETITORS!!!!

So many big tech businesses are being accused of holding a monopoly and for killing competition. This isn't new but do they really have such a monopoly?

Let's start with Microsoft...

Microsoft hold the biggest Operating System install base. However Apple comes in second and their install base is climbing. If Microsoft did hold a 'monopoly' then you would see hardly anyone using competitors products and the competitors would never be talked about.

Windows is designed for business and productivity...Macs are designed for creativity...Linux is designed for both while still having major customization options. Microsoft isn't stopping other companies from making other operating systems designed for the same use but they already have a basis and reliance because people have grown used to their products. If I were a billionaire and even a millionaire I would attempt to create an operating system and I would market it to the same people as Microsoft. Why isn't anyone doing this? Because they know that business has already established Microsoft as the most productive solution. There is no rule or law against using a competitor but if it is the most productive solution then they use it.


Google is the biggest search engine and the most widely used. They were also the first search engine so they have an established user base. Of course they will have a monopoly of sorts because people have come to rely on their services. They also have competition and their competition is doing quite well considering this reliance. Their competition also consists of large tech companies like Microsoft and Yahoo. Advertising revenue is a key part of the law suit but Yahoo and Microsoft get revenue in other ways while Google has to rely on advertising to get money. This works as just about everyone uses Google and teh ads will be seen all over the globe.


Intel makes processors...processors are hard to make..lot's of money is needed to make processors. Intel has been used for over 15 years for processors in Computers...Apple started using them 5 years ago...they have come to be relied on in a similar way to Google. Intel also has competition and people use and like AMD and some prefer it to Intel. AMD has made progress that Intel is yet to make. Intel isn't falling behind but they hardly have a monopoly if anything is almost looks like AMD is slowly catching up to Intel huge lead in the number of computers using their processors and AMD certainly have leapfrogged Intel in new developments (like a DirectX 11 Processor).

Overall none of these companies really have a monopoly and the lawsuits should be dropped. However these companies could allow their competition to exist and not to wipe them out completely.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

BING! and Google Squared

Microsoft officially released their new search engine Bing this week. Bing is a replacement for their previous search engine, Live Search which wasn't very good and very few people used it except for seaching for Google. Microsoft hopes that Bing will bring them more revenue and will revolutionize web search.

I have been using it a bit lately and it has it's good and bad parts. Firstly the bad...It doesn't have pages for image search which means that it will load all the images on the one page meaning some lag and also it will be harder to get to the first image if you are near the bottom. Another bad thing is that that in the video search the live previews are too small and it is hard to get a real idea of what the video is. has a very bad background and the interface is very much like that of Google and that it doesn't have a very good search ranking system.
The good things are that it does provide good related search terms on the side of the page and the advanced search options are very easy to use and access.

Next to Google's new tool...Google Squared which was also launched this week. I have only just started using this and so far it can be very useful for accessing simple information very quickly and for accessing a whole set of data simply and easily. Just think of it as a much simpler WolframAlpha but without the real language search abilities. I will post more soon as I use this more but so far it looks like a very good tool from the overlords at Google.