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Friday, May 22, 2009

The future of mobile phones...all extras, no connectivity

With new phones coming out every month with new features littered through it this has really made me wonder about where mobile phones are going. People are getting distracted by all the extras in the phone and not by the phone itself. Take the iPhone in the USA, people are buying it because of the apps availiable in teh App Store but taking no notice of AT+T's crap network coverage. People are complaining of connectivity drop-out's within just 10m of a spot where there is full connectivity.The fact that AT+T is America's largest mobile network, you would surely think that they would have pretty good coverage.

The solution...better networks and less extras. This will make people take more notice of the phone and connectivity and less about everything they can get with it. By doing this it will make phone companies take more notice of their network and less about the marketing

Now don't get me wrong, extra's aren't all bad but just a little less would help the phone industry as a whole and would really be of a convenience to the consumer. Oh, and it will help marketing and improve profits.

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