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Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Just today at the National Press Club, the CEO of News Ltd in Australia commented on bloggers as being essentially nothing but worthless opinion and that what is said on blogs is inaccurate and unprofessional. I would have to stringly disagree.
Blogs are people expressing there opinions on topics and anyone can do it, but not everyone will read it. This is key to good blogging, readership. Most blogs will have very low readership others, and the better ones, will have high readership equalling that of online news sources. Blogs are becoming more and more informative as they evolve and this is helping to change the way the internet works and by saying that blogs are not as useful as online news is basically saying that the internet should move away from the opinion of the people who have the right t ofree speech and move toward a fact-only society. This will make the internet very mundane and boring to read and will kill any use of it for the view of the people, even if they are in the middle of a breaking story. If people were not able to express their view on what is going on, even if they were involved or if they know details then the internet  would die.
Blogs can be professional if they want and it is the readership that will determine this. If a blog is a personal blog then obviously it will seem unprofessional but blogs like WirelessMuse provide informative professional opinion from people in the tech industry. If we shun blogs like this then people will turn away from teh internet and the world will move back to the pre-blog era of an internt with nothing on it.
Basically what I am saying here is that not all blogs are bad and unprofessional and that without blogs the internet ould be a fact and business based medium where no one would turn to and where no one would be able to express their views on current events.

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