Now I know I didn't post during E3 but remember I wasn't there and all of teh press conferences were very early in the morning (eg 2am!)...and I was sleeping. So here is a wrap up of what went down at E3 2011.
Nintendo focused on 2 key key areas...portable gaming and their evolution of the home game console.
In terms of Portable gaming nintendo showed off a bunch of titles that are comign later this year to the Nintendo 3DS. Almost all of these were ports of older games such as Star Fox and Legend of Zelda. But the new Kid Icarus game was also shown and it adds speech to a Nintendo game...yes speech...Pit actually says! They also highlighted the launch of the new Store which has come to the 3DS.In the store you can buy a bunch of titles and one key feature that was highlighted as the porting of old Gameboy and Gameboy Colour games to Nintendo's portable platform. This, hopefully, will see a bunch of new gamers playing age old Gameboy classics for the first time.
In terms of the Home market Nintendo didn't say much about the Wii and what was coming to teh WIi in the near future...instead they introduced their new console the Wii U. Aside from the interesting name...the console will feature HD graphics and caters for hardcore gamers as well as the casual gamer. It features a new controller which has a 6.2 inch touch screen inbuilt as well as classic nintendo controls and accellerometer, gyroscope and rumble. The new console will also be fully backward compatible with the Wii in the same was that the Wii was backward compatible with the Gamecube. In terms of games for the Wii U, Nintendo showed off what is coming, including high end games such as Darksiders 2, Dirt, Aliens Colonial Marines, Ghost Recon Online, Metro Last Light and the first ever Tekken game to hit a Nintendo Console...oh and also Ninja Gaiden 3! There were also hints that Assassins Creed, Battlefield and a new FPS from Ubisoft.
The console will come out next year and it will be interestign to see the reactions of gamers, both hardcore and casual alike.
Sony showed off some new stuff as well...but also built on past successes and expanded the gamebase for teh PS3. They showed off a new portable platform called Playstation Vita. The PS Vita will be the successor to the Playstation Portable adn adds a sleeker design, better processing and dual touch screens. What this will mean for gaming is yet to be seen but we will all find out at it's launch later this year.
Sony kept emphasising that they are sorry for the PSN disaster but also showed how they have learnt from it...mainly in the fact that they have a large core fanbase who are unhappy. Overall Sony's press conference was good but not groundbreaking.
Microsoft showed off more than just Kinect enabled games at their press conference. While there was the usual Dance Central game they also previewed a major games that will be released next year...Halo 4...because Microsoft is so XBox 360 focused I am expectign it to be an Xbox exclusive but as a PC gamer I would love to see it hit PCs as well. Gears of War 3 was also shown and so far it looks great but we will have to wait and see what the final product looks like when it is released.
Electroninc Arts showed of a huge number of upcoming games but the clear highlight was Battlefield 3, a direct successor to Battlefield 2 and one of the most visually amazing games I have ever seen. The game runs on DICE's new game engine, Frostbite 2, and builds on many of the features of the recent Battlefield games such as destructible environments, expansive playing areas and dynamic lighting. The game comes out in September and is sure to be an amazing experience to buy.
Activision showed off yet another Call of Duty game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Every year we see a new CoD game but MW3 looks like it might evolve the franchise into a more cinematic experience while still maintaining the core CoD gameplay. The game looks visually appealing (but not as much as Battlefield 3) and should hopefully not be just another CoD game that will sell millions and disappoint gamers around the world. Also hopefully it will actualy work and not be plagued with performance problems.
Well, that is my E3 Wrap Up! Express your opinion in teh comments section below and remember that in October we are going to the EB Games Expo on the Gold Coast here in Australia and we have updated the site banner to reflect this.
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