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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Why iPhone OS 4.0 should have come sooner

This wwek Apple unveiled iPhone OS 4.0 to teh developer community. This major OS upgrade includes many new features such as multitasking, app folders, iAd (in-app advertising) and even 5x digital zoom. All these features are what iPhone and iPod Touch users have wanted ever since the first generation devices. SO why couldn't Apple have done this sooner, like with OS 3.0? As far as I can see there is no reason.
Yes there were hardware constraints when it came to the iPhone 3G but the 3GS had better hardware and more to the point will be able to run OS 4.0 in all it's awesomeness.

Apple could have released all these features with OS 3.0 because the latest hardware, the iPhone 3GS had the capability to run it but Apple wanted to focus on speed and not on features that would attracts people away from Android and Windows Mobile and give them incentives to make the switch. Instead what Apple chooses to do is announce these features at an awkward time when people aren't really paying attention to the smaller devices and focusing on the iPad. If Apple really cared about their customers they would have released these features with OS 3.0 but instead they want to give customers much needed and wanted features when nobody gives a crap.

If Apple is serious about business then they will forget about advertising and instead focus on what they have always focused on...the customers.

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